NIZE One Kinder im Wald


to the family.

Family? Don't worry, you don't have to chat with us if you don't feel like it. Or sacrifice your time. We just want to stay in touch with you. To be there for you when you need help. What do you have to do? Just subscribe to our newsletter. And you'll get something in return.

  • In exchange for your current NIZE bike, you'll get a 40% discount on your next NIZE bike.
  • It doesn't get any fairer than this: if you find a cheaper price online for chain oil, cleaning agents or wear parts, we'll refund you the difference.
  • Exclusive services by phone, video call, WhatsApp or carrier pigeon.
  • Free advice with lots of valuable tips.
  • And much more... just find out.



Show us.

Mastered your first trail? Won a ONE-by-one against the bike park? A NIZE bike, more mud than matte black? Make us aware with #NIZEFAMILY and enter our annual draw for hot gear. We love to see our babies grow, so please keep us in the loop!

Show us.




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