That's NIZE.

One call to the Far East and six months later we could present you a beautiful new kids bike. Made in uncontrollable conditions, with whatever frame, with whatever off-the-shelf components, with little love and even less concept.

We wouldn't call ourselves NIZE if we thought that was good. You will find better bikes with us. Bikes that are developed and manufactured in Germany. Bikes where every part is well thought out. Bikes that have a clear technical goal: the next level of fun.

Naturally, these things are tedious and time-consuming. But it's worth it. After all, it's about the coolest hobby in the world - and the most important people on it. That's NIZE. Next level bikes.


Why, how, what



We want every moment on a bike to be a special moment for our kids. To do that, we need better bikes. Better in terms of fun, riding safety, control, geometry, components, production and sustainability.



We reinvent kids bikes. We question conventions, look at every detail and leave nothing to chance. We squeeze the maximum out of every millimetre. Never are we completely satisfied. When it comes to bikes, we become geeks.



We create bikes with new concepts, from the wheel mount to the drilled hole. Bikes with components suitable for children. Bikes whose frames are made in Germany, are sustainable, and whose quality and manufacturing we actively support every step of the way. Simply next level bikes.


We protect
what we love.

We want to do something good for our children. And to the world in which they move. A bike shouldn't have to be shipped halfway around the world before you're allowed to discover yourself on it. Or be made of environmentally harmful materials. Or be made by children's hands. You can trust us, there are nizer ways to handle things. Developed and produced in Germany, without carbon as hazardous waste, without unnecessarily polluting the environment. Bikes made for children. Not by them.

Sure, we're really proud. But we want more. Our ambition is to produce bikes that are completely CO2-neutral by 2028. But our journey will continue after that. Are you coming along? It's going to be NIZE ride...

What we have achieved so far:

  • Bikes that are entirely designed and developed in Germany.
  • Frames that we produce exclusively in Germany.
  • Rims that are manufactured for us in Europe.
  • Without compromise: There's no such thing as non-recyclable carbon at NIZE.
  • Tires, which avoid many common toxins in rubber compounds.

Where we're headed right now:

  • Even more components made in Germany.
  • Switching to organic lubricants, brake fluids and suspension fork oil.
  • Further reducing our carbon footprint during transport.
  • Reducing our carbon footprint to a green zero.



The Heads
under the helmets.

Howdy! We are mid-30s, parents, designers, developers, lightning rods, company founders and marketing experts. We are a young family, passionate bikers and nerds with a lot of experience. We founded NIZE. With a little risk and a lot of conviction.

Years of experience from automotive development at BOSCH flow right into our bikes. From construction in special mechanical engineering. From marketing. From downhill riding. And from the knowledge of what you want for your children.

We are NIZE. But just call us Rebecca, Genius and Nicolas.


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